Small jobs don’t usually attract the attention of many contractors. Loose curtains or blinds, sticky doors, furniture assembly . . . etc. Larger jobs like repairing a fence, without replacing the whole fence. Pre-renovation demolition work to save you money and speed up your contractors.
Buckled drywall in a shifing basement exposed water damage. Stripped old drywall and insulation.
New vapor barrier, insulation and drywall installed.
A portion of old fence was leaning and rotted. Just one stretch of the fence was replaced with new posts, stringers and boards. Saved the owner the expense of doing the whole fence around the yard.
Six year old engineered floor cupped and separated due to settling foundation. Realtor said the whole floor needed replacing. Wrong!
This was a click together engineered floor. Spares were available and layed out to selectively replace damaged boards.
The floor neede to be disassembled from the end run all the way to the damaged boards. Swapped the boards and reassembled the floor. Cost was labor only.
Interior door was broken from excessive force. The replacement door was flimsier than this one.
A shifting foundation caused the back door jams to spread apart, allowing in cold air and misaligning the deadbolt.
The homeowner was given an estimate for a complete new door replacement, $2000. This was unnecessary as the shifting foundation would have suffered the same fate.
Pre-reno demolition. 14 ft tall wall stripped of drywall, electrical and fixures.
Removing doors and studs in a wall demolition.
Improved drainage with added soil and longer down spout extensions, to reduce the chance of water damage to a basement.